Monday, January 24, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011

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This is year of the Rabbit!!!  The new year will start on January 29th  for a  2 week  duration.  We will be in Hong Kong  to experience the  celebration!

Wonder "WHO" is "WHAT" in our crazy  family circle?

Sandy - PIG
Nobel and chivalrous. Your friends will be life long. This is the sign of honesty, simplicity and great fortitude. Gallant, sturdy and courageous, a person born in this year will apply himself to an allotted task with all his strength and you can rely on him to see it through. Outwardly, he may appear rough-hewn and jovial, but scratch the surface and you will find pure gold.

Cindy - MONKEY
You are very intelligent and are able to influence people. An enthusiastic achiever. The Monkey is the sign of the inventor, the improvisor, and the motivator in the Chinese zodiac; a charlatan capable of drawing everyone to him with his inimitable guile and charm. Being the quick-witted genius of the cycle, he is clever, flexible and innovative.

Mark - DOG
Loyal and honest, you work well with others. You are generous. Look to the Horse or Tiger. And watch out for Dragons.(lol) This may be the most likable sign of all in the Chinese cycle. A person born in the year of the Dog is honest, intelligent and straightforward. He has a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play.

Jane - RAT
You are ambitious and a perfectionist. You like to shop and be where the excitement is.Rats are best known for their charm. Blessed with a sharp wit, they possess a marvelous sense of humor, which makes them stimulating and amusing company to have around.  Most compatible with Dragons and Monkeys.  The charm of the Rat personality is as universally known and loved as the Walt Disney character, Mickey Mouse.

Jillian - DRAGON
You are eccentric and your life is complex. You have a very passionate nature and abundant health. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They’re passionate in all they do and they do things in grand fashion.The mighty and magnificent Dragon of mythical folklore never ceases to enchant or stir the imagination.

Taylor - HORSE
A lively and high-spirited year.  An adventurer at heart, still he is noted for his keen mind and ability to manage money. He is open-minded and flexible. Basically, he is a nonconformist.Popular and attractive to the opposite sex. A person born in this year is said to be cheerful, popular and quick-witted. He has raw sex appeal rather than straight good looks. (honest--I didn't make this up!)

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