Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Children as Chinese Heavenly Generals

              (Shotora, Catura)
        armed with mallet or sword

                (Kubira, Kumbhira)
                 armed with  vajra
                  also known as
       The Leader of the 12 Generals

(Anira, Anila)
armed with trident or arrow
(note:"out of order" sign)

 (Indara, Indra)
armed with staff or halberd
The 12 Heavenly Generals protect and serve the Yakushi Nyorai (the Medicine Buddha). The twelve are Hindu Yasha 夜叉 who were later incorporated into Buddhism as protective warriors. In Japanese sculpture and art, they are almost always grouped in a protective circle around the Yakushi Nyorai --  they are rarely shown independently. Many say they represent the twelve vows of Yakushi; others say the 12 were present when the Historical Buddha introduced the “Healing Sutra;” yet others that they offer protection during the 12 daylight hours, or that they represent the 12 months and 12 cosmic directions, or the 12 animals of the 12-year Chinese zodiac. The Jūni Shinshō are also members of the Tenbu (Sanskrit: Deva), a larger grouping of deities protecting the Buddhist realm. 

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